Trash & Recyclables Pickup

Bolsters is now does the towns Curbside Trash Pickup

Trash pickup is scheduled for every Monday morning,  have your trash  ready by the road by 7 AM. Please be sure it is visible, not set behind trees or set to far back. Trash stickers are needed for each 30 gallon bag or equivalent amount of trash. No hazardous or flammable materials may be put in the trash.


Recyclables are picked up at no charge! They need to be clean and sorted as much as possible. You may also take your recyclables to the Unity Area Regional Recycling Center during open hours. Visit the web site to keep current on materials accepted and hours open. Note that a few items like CFL's, batteries and electronic waste are not included in roadside pick-up and must be delivered. 

J & J Disposal and Recycling will be offering curbside Recycling Pickup. This will continue to be the first Wednesday of each month. Have recyclables ready by the road by 7 AM. Please be sure it is visible, not set behind trees or set to far back. Recycled items must be sorted, ( plastics, glass, paper cardboard etc.)


Trash stickers are $1.50 each and can be purchased at:

  • Thorndike Town Office
  • Thorndike Auto Parts
  • The Depot Country Store

A sticker on each bag must be visible. No trash bag or item should exceed 50lbs.