Planning Board

The Planning Board oversees and makes recommendations regarding Thorndike's land use ordinances and administrative procedures. In accordance with State statutes and Town ordinances, the Board administers ordinances related to significant land use development proposals such as subdivisions, cell towers, solar farms, new roads and any commercial development with high traffic volumes or possible off-site nuisance impacts.

If you have any such activities in mind, we recommend that you review the relevant ordinance requirements and permit application form, then contact Planning Board chair Michael Berry by email ( or 568-5299 to discuss the application process.  

The Board normally meets every Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at Town Hall. The public is welcome to attend, but be aware that the Board only meets when there is business to conduct. If you would like to be placed on a meeting agenda, make the request by noon on the Friday before the regular meeting to the town clerk. Include your contact information. The Board chair will call you to discuss your request and schedule it appropriately. 

Our bylaws are below. Recent meeting minutes are available in the subsection of this page.