Animal Control Officer (ACO)

The Animal Control Officer (ACO) is responsible for overseeing dog licensing, rabies vaccinations, and responding to stray, animal abuse or wild animal concerns. 

See the FAQ page for info on licensing your dog. 

Contact Information:

Perri Petersen ACO   (c) 207-659-2158

Jessica Small Asst. ACO (c)207-659-2158


 A reminder that all dogs in Town are to be registered by the January 31st. After that a 25.00 late fee is imposed (state mandated) and legal fees can be accrued if taken to court for unregistered dog

 Registration begin October 20 of the year. That is a 3 month window to get your dog registered. Must be up to date on rabies shots. $11.00 for unneutered-spayed dogs   $6.00 for spayed/neutered